Die Fastenzeit ist (schon lange) vorbei und damit auch meine Internet Fasten – Challenge, die ich in einem kleinen Selbstversuch gestartet habe. Hier und heute möchte ich (endlich) ein wenig erzählen, wie es mir damit ergangen ist, was ich für Veränderungen festgestellt habe und ob ich mich bis zum Ende an meine 2 Stunden pro Tag halten konnte.
Ich hatte euch ja bereits im Eingangspost Internet Fasten – ein Selbstexperiment erzählt, dass ich wirklich regelrecht abhängig bin – vom Handy, sozialen Medien und allem drum herum. Ich aktualisiere ca. alle 30 Minuten meinen Maileingang, schaue alle 5 Minuten aufs Handy, ob neue Nachrichten da sind und der Blick aufs Handy ist sogar das erste, was ich morgens mache – das hat sich jetzt geändert!
Beginnen wir aber mal ganz vorne. Am ersten Tag meines „Internet Fasten“ Experiments habe ich mir einen Zettel genommen, um aufzuschreiben, wann ich das Handy in die Hand nehme und wann ich es wieder weg lege. Das hat super geklappt und ich habe so sehr aufmerksam darauf geachtet, nicht zu viel Zeit an diesem Ding zu verbringen. Der Laptop war eh irgendwo in den Tiefen meines unaufgeräumten Schreibtisches verschwunden und so kam ich gar nicht erst in Versuchung, den aufzuklappen. Außerdem habe ich mein Handyladekabel vo Bett verbannt, sodass mein Handy nicht über nacht neben mir lag und morgens der erste Griff dort hinging. Allein das hat mir schon sehr geholfen, morgens nicht das Gefühl zu haben, ich komm nicht aus dem Bett, weil ich „erstmal kurz“ (ca. eine Stunde lang…) Instagram durchscrollen müsste.
Aber kommen wir doch mal zu Zahlen. Ich hatte mir ja vorgenommen meine Internetnutzung pro Tag auf 2 Stunden zu reduzieren und das lief zu Beginn wirklich gut:
Tag 1 – 45 Minuten
Tag 2 – 23 Minuten
Tag 3 – 2:12 Stunden (davon 45 Minuten Skypen)
Tag 4 – 1:46 Stunden
Tag 5 – 57 Minuten
Dann irgendwann kam der Punkt, dass mein Alltag sich verändert hat. Ich habe 2 Wochen lang bei meiner Schwester gewohnt und habe da täglich mit meinem Neffen gespielt, viel Zeit draussen verbracht und gar nicht mehr den Drang verspührt, am Social Media Leben teilzunehmen. Ich habe nichts vermisst, habe aber trotzdem manches Mal abends auf dem Sofa durch Instagram und Facebook gescrollt und mich an schönen Bilchen erfreut – ich hatte aber nicht das Gefühl, den Tag über etwas verpasst zu haben und war ein bisschen stolz darauf, dass meine „Internet Fasten“ Challenge so super lief und ich mir gar keinen Stress damit machen musste.
Anders sah es dann aus, als diese 2 Wochen Ablenkung vorbei waren. Mein Mann blieb in Braunschweig und ich fuhr alleine wieder nach Berlin, wo ich dann also in einer großen Wohnung, alleine und ohne geregelten Alltag wohnte und mich einfach mit dem Handy ablenkte. Ich habe auch ehrlich gesagt nicht mehr aufgeschrieben oder darauf geachtet, wie lange ich online war, weil ich eh nichts anderes zu tun hatte (ausser Kartons packen – aber das macht man ja auch nicht den ganzen Tag) und mir durch das Rumtüddeln am Handy einfach die Zeit und Langeweile vertrieben habe. Schlimm ist es aber, dass man dann irgendwann Apps immer wieder aktualisiert, weil man denkt, es passiert doch gleich wieder was Neues, obwohl man das ca. 30 Sekunden zuvor schon gemacht hat… – es passiert nicht alle 30 Sekunden was Neues – jedenfalls nicht in meinem Stream.
Das Ganze Rumhängen am Handy und im Prinzip nichts tun, sondern nur Bilchen gucken hat mich aber nach einer kurzen Zeit aufgeregt und ziemlich genervt, aber ich konnte auch irgendwie nicht damit aufhören – es hätte ja jeden Moment wieder etwas Neues passieren können und ich hätte etwas verpassen können. Dass ich sowas vor ca. 2 Wochen ernsthaft gedacht habe, kann ich heute schon wieder gar nicht mehr glauben. Aber gut, ich muss zugeben, es war wirklich so. Erst Recht, als ich mir dann auch noch Snapchat runtergelanden hatte und gleich mal fleißig meinen ganzen Tag in Videos aufnahm und natürlich allen Bloggern und Instagrammern, die ich mochte auch auf Snapchat folgte und deren Videos ansah.
Eine Änderung musste her – ich habe bei Snapchat nach einer App gefragt, die mein Handynutzerverhalten analysiert und mir vielleicht auch mal einen Riegel vorschiebt und habe dann mehrere Apps empfohlen bekommen, die ich mir alle rntergeladen und getestet hab – alle doof! Aber dazu schreib ich euch gern nochmal einen ausführlichen „App-Testbericht“, wenn ihr möchtet.
Also, was ich gelernt habe: Ich brauche Social Media nicht unbedingt – das habe ich in der Zeit mit meiner Familie gemerkt – mir fehlt nichts, wenn ich das habe, was ich brauche und wenn ich abgelenkt bin. Aber sobald ich alleine zu Hause bin und mich vorm Kisten packen, aufräumen oder was auch immer drücken möchte, dann versinke ich auch mal 5 Stunden am Handy, ohne es zu merken. Das heißt, sobald ich (hoffentlich bald) wieder einen geregelten Arbeitsalltag, meine Lieben um mich herum und anderes zu tun habe, kann ich auch getrost darauf verzichten, alle 10 Minuten mein Handy zu aktualisieren und werde dann wieder automatisch weniger Zeit am Handy und im Internet verbringen – ich freu mich schon drauf!
Ein paar Worte noch zum Outfit: und zwar ist meine Musterhosenliebe wieder ausgebrochen und ich hab meine schönen sommerlichen Musterhosen wieder hervorgekramt – daher gibt es damit in Zukunft sicher wieder öfter Bilder zu sehen. Und passend zu meinem sonnigen Gemüt und der Sonne in einem Herzen , trage ich meinen sonnengelben Mantel von Stradivarius, den ich mir in unserem Portourlaub letztes Jahr gekauft hatte.
So und jetzt seid ihr gefragt: Habt ihr schon mal eine „Internetfastenzeit“ gemacht oder ist das bei euch gar nicht notwendig? Und wie gefällt euch mein Outfit? Ich freue mich über euer Feedback und wünsche euch einen schönen Sonntag!
Erstmal Glückwunsch, dass du so gut durchgehalten hast! Ich hab’ mich auch in der letzten Zeit sehr eingehend mit meinem Internetverhalten beschäftigt – und mir ist aufgefallen, dass ich mittlerweile zwar fast permanent online bin, aber da nichts wirklich Nachhaltiges bei rumkommt. Die Zeit fühlt sich einfach wie verplempert an. Und dabei bin ich eigentlich schon immer sehr online-affin gewesen. Ich habe dann in der Zeit ein gutes Buch gelesen („Cyberpsychologie“ von Carina Katzer – kann ich nur empfehlen!) und dann für mich festgestellt, dass ich viel zu viel auf sozialen Medien, speziell Facebook, verbringe. Und dann den Entschluss gefasst, mein Facebook-Profil zu löschen bzw. zu leeren – seitdem fühlt sich mein Onlineverhalten wieder normal und gesund an.
Liebe Grüße,
P.S. Die Hose ist der Hammer – woher ist die?
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siteye giris yaptiktan sonra �ikanlarmi ?
bu uygulamayi kim yaptiysa ellerine saglik ????????????
Kirgin bir g�n yasadim ama suan mutluyum
Oha 1 saat ge�tikten sonra 1000 Takip�i geldi ??
baya iyi bir uygulama olmus bu kadarini beklemiyordum ??
twitterda profilime bakanlari g�recegimi hi� sanmiyordum :)
�alisiyor bilginize??
ile takip�i kazandim tesekk�r ederim??
Good luck and congratulationsrr ??????
Kimleri G�r�yorum Kimleri
Sevdigim �ocugu stalkliyordum umarim beni g�rmez ??????
dude, can someone follow me for 2 years?
ulan 2 yildir takip ediyosun yaz bari be vicdansizz ????
Good luck and congratulationsrr ??????
finally technology has advanced and they did it too ??
Kimleerr kimleri stalkliyormus megersemmm ??
ulan 2 yildir takip edermi bir insan
15 people blocked me, I saw all of you guys ??
It’s nice when there are organic users ??
beni neden stalkliyorsunuz anlamis degilim ama ögrendigim iyi oldu ??
Çok Güzel bir uygulama
is this really real? ??
Very nice application
I Learned My Stalkers
do you have this on instagram?
Friends, the app is really working, I’m in shock right now??
Arkadaslar uygulama cidden çalisiyor sok geçiriyorum su an??
incoming followers do it on rt and fav??
Eski sevgilimi görmek biraz sey sanki ??
twitterda profilime bakanlari görecegimi hiç sanmiyordum :)
siteye giris yaptiktan sonra çikanlarmi ?
I went crazy when I saw my stalkers
It’s working for your information??
I was shocked to see 1-2 people I never expected ??
I didn’t believe it, but it came, I was shocked, it came like 2 3 thousand
It’s nice when there are organic users ??
I’m going crazy now when I see it ????
bu uygulamayi kim yaptiysa ellerine saglik ????????????
15 people blocked me, I saw all of you guys ??
Who I See Who
Good to learn :)
Uygulamayi yapanin ellerine saglik sorunsuz çalisiyoo ????
vay anasini sonunda bunu da yaptilar bee ??
ile takipçi kazandim tesekkür ederim??
People who leave after logging in to the site???
I gained followers with thank you??
I finally saw those who viewed my twitter profile
If there is one for Instagram, someone tell me right away ??
ise yarayacagini düsünmüyodum ama girince gerçekten sok oldum ??
nasil ya nasill
incoming followers 100% turkish followers mashallah
he is seriously working ??
I had a broken day but now I’m happy
I’m in shock after shock, we don’t know what’s going on ??
I guessed some, I think this app is really true ??
I entered according to the comments and came followers thank you ??
Ögrendigimiz iyi oldu :)
En kisa sürede instagram versiyonunu istiyorumm ??
It’s a very good app, I didn’t expect this much ??
A Really Excellent Application Good luck
helal valla??
I don’t understand why you stalk me
I entered according to the comments and came followers thank you ??
baya iyi bir uygulama olmus bu kadarini beklemiyordum ??
Helal olsun tebriklerrr ??????
incoming followers 100% turkish followers mashallah
4 saat sonra 3000 takipçi geldi??
my followers have arrived thank you??
vay anasini sonunda bunu da yaptilar bee ??
A Really Excellent Application Good luck
Hesabima Takipçi yagiyordu :)
lan ciddi ciddi çalisiyorr ??
Kirgin bir gün yasadim ama suan mutluyum
what to say to ex girlfriend
it’s an excellent app ??
incoming followers do it on rt and fav??
Mükemmel Bir Uygulama gerçekten
Siteye giris yaptiktan sonra çikan kisiler mi???
ulan herkes tokatçi olmus ama bu adam gönderdi helal valla??
Kirgin bir gün yasadim ama suan mutluyum
helal valla??
Admin kim bilmiyorum ama tebrikler
ise yarayacagini düsünmüyodum ama girince gerçekten sok oldum ??
Uygulamayi yapanin ellerine saglik sorunsuz çalisiyoo ????
Good luck and congratulationsrr ??????
En kisa sürede instagram versiyonunu istiyorumm ??
It’s nice when there are organic users ??
Oh, 1000 Followers came after 1 hour ??
eger bunlar dogruysa yer yerinden oynar ??
inanmiyordum ama geldi ben sok 2 3 bin falan geldi
kimleri görüyorum kimleri
bu uygulamayi kim yaptiysa ellerine saglik ????????????
Takipçiler türk bilginize??
Sevdigim çocugu stalkladigimi saniyordum megersem oda beni stalkliyormus hemen açiliyorum :)
bu cidden gerçek miiii? ??
Health to the hands of the person who made the application, it works smoothly ????
I don’t know who the admin is but congrats
eger bunlar dogruysa yer yerinden oynar ??
Takipçiler türk bilginize??
beni neden stalkliyorsunuz anlamis degilim ama ögrendigim iyi oldu ??
I hope it works every day without interruption
rain of followersyooooooooooooooooooo ?? 3100 arrived
bu cidden gerçek miiii? ??
It’s really amazing what’s up :)
Organik kullanicilar olunca güzel oluyor böyle??
I had a broken day but now I’m happy
Kimleerr kimleri stalkliyormus megersemmm ??
Tahmin etmistim zaten
I didn’t believe it but I saw it
vay anasini sonunda bunu da yaptilar bee ??
Stalkerlarimi Ögredim
Sevdigim çocugu stalkladigimi saniyordum megersem oda beni stalkliyormus hemen açiliyorum :)
It’s nice when there are organic users ??
15 people blocked me, I saw all of you guys ??
I didn’t believe it but I saw it
Benim 1 saat sonra geldi türk aktif hemde
it’s an excellent app ??
An Excellent App indeed
Kirgin bir gün yasadim ama suan mutluyum
The data is real I guess because I guessed it turned out
It’s nice when there are organic users ??
Pingback: Google
who do i see
takipçi yagiyooooooooooooooooooo ?? 3100 tane geldi
An Excellent App indeed
Friends, I looked at the comments and entered 2 hours later, mine came ??
If this data is real, I am shocked.
ise yarayacagini düsünmüyodum ama girince gerçekten sok oldum ??
gelen takipçiler 0 türk takipçi masallah
nasil ya nasill
ulan 2 yildir takip ediyosun yaz bari be vicdansizz ????
Instantly Uploaded I’m here now??
mükemmel bir uygulama olmus cidden ??
bu uygulamayi kim yaptiysa ellerine saglik ????????????
bu cidden gerçek miiii? ??
You’ve been following for 2 years, at least write it down, you’re unscrupulous ????
Sevdigim çocugu stalkliyordum umarim beni görmez ??????
Gerçekten Mükemmel Bir Uygulama Elinize Saglik
Stalkerlarimi Görünce çilgina döndüm
I don’t know who the admin is but congrats
beni neden stalkliyorsunuz anlamis degilim ama ögrendigim iyi oldu ??
everyone has been a slap but this man sent it halal well??
finally technology has advanced and they did it too ??
I don’t know who is the admin but congratulations came after 3 hours my follower
Çok Güzel bir uygulama
mükemmel bir uygulama olmus cidden ??
Health to the hands of the person who made the application, it works smoothly ????
mükemmel bir uygulama olmus cidden ??
Very nice application
10 dk sonra geldi takipçilerim tesekkür ederim
15 kisi beni engellemis, hepinizi gördüm arkadaslar ??
is this really real? ??
Çok Güzel bir uygulama
It’s working for your information??
she was crying :)
Today we learned about our secret admirers…
takipçi yagiyooooooooooooooooooo ?? 3100 tane geldi
Well done to whoever made this app ????????????
The site is successful, I think it’s coming late, followers??
how or how
bugün de gizli hayranlarimizi ögrendik…
ahaaa ??????
inanmiyordum ama gördüm
Veriler sanirim gerçek çünki tahmin ettigim çikti
Arkadaslar bu siteye dün giris yaptim ama 2 3 saat degil benim takipçilerim 12 saat sonra geldi sanirim herkes farkli??
Retweet ve Favori sanirim daha hizli geliyor??
bugün de gizli hayranlarimizi ögrendik…
Ulan Beni neden stalklarsiniz anlamis degilim
You’ve been following for 2 years, at least write it down, you’re unscrupulous ????
Profiline bakanlari görenler olarak gelin bi sarilalim ????
It’s really amazing what’s up :)
my followers have arrived thank you??
Good to learn :)
Organik kullanicilar olunca güzel oluyor böyle??
beni neden stalkliyorsunuz anlamis degilim ama ögrendigim iyi oldu ??
Who exits after logging in to the site?
oh ??
it’s an excellent app ??
I didn’t believe it, but it came, I was shocked, it came like 2 3 thousand
Organik kullanicilar olunca güzel oluyor böyle??
Very nice application
Mükemmel Bir Uygulama gerçekten
it’s an excellent app ??
I guessed some, I think this app is really true ??
Retweet ve Favori sanirim daha hizli geliyor??
ulan 2 yildir takip edermi bir insan
Friends, I looked at the comments and entered 2 hours later, mine came ??
good luck??
bugün de gizli hayranlarimizi ögrendik…
Takipçiler türk bilginize??
ohaaaa ??????
thank you sex hattı
nasil ya nasill
I thought I was stalking the boy I love, but it turned out that the room was stalking me, I open immediately :)
The site is successful, I think it’s coming late, followers??
4 saat sonra 3000 takipçi geldi??
Sevdigim çocugu stalkliyordum umarim beni görmez ??????
Çalisiyor bilginize??
Benim 1 saat sonra geldi türk aktif hemde
siteye giris yaptiktan sonra çikanlarmi ?
helal valla??
10 dk sonra geldi takipçilerim tesekkür ederim
I went crazy when I saw my stalkers
ohaaaa ??????
eski sevgiliye ne denmeli :)
oooo kimler kimler var hayretler içerisindeyimm??
It was raining followers on my account :)
Tahmin etmistim zaten
Seeing my ex is kind of like ??
gelen takipçiler 0 türk takipçi masallah
Today we learned about our secret admirers…
Veriler sanirim gerçek çünki tahmin ettigim çikti
ulan 2 yildir takip edermi bir insan
lan ciddi ciddi çalisiyorr ??
mükemmel bir uygulama olmus cidden ??
bu cidden gerçek miiii? ??
Let’s give a hug as those who see your profile ????
Retweet ve Favori sanirim daha hizli geliyor??
thank you favoribahis
hi instaevreni
everyone has been a slap but this man sent it halal well??
ile takipçi kazandim tesekkür ederim??
it’s an excellent app ??
ohaaaa ??????
Retweet and Favorite coming faster I think ??
Friends, I logged into this site yesterday, but my followers came after 12 hours, not 2 or 3 hours, I guess everyone is different??
I was shocked to see 1-2 people I never expected ??
I don’t understand why you are stalking me but it’s good to know ??
ohaaaa ??????
Friends, the app is really working, I’m in shock right now??
Kimleri Görüyorum Kimleri
sonunda teknoloji ilerledi de bunu da yaptilar ??
eski sevgiliye ne denmeli :)
15 people blocked me, I saw all of you guys ??
10 dk sonra geldi takipçilerim tesekkür ederim
oooo kimler kimler var hayretler içerisindeyimm??
Helal olsun tebriklerrr ??????
I finally saw those who viewed my twitter profile
Uygulamayi yapanin ellerine saglik sorunsuz çalisiyoo ????
baya iyi bir uygulama olmus bu kadarini beklemiyordum ??
gelen takipçiler rt ve fav’da yapiyor??
Çok Güzel bir uygulama
Pingback: Google
Aninda Yüklendi artik burdayim??
oh ??
I didn’t believe it but I saw it
15 people blocked me, I saw all of you guys ??
bu cidden gerçek miiii? ??
Who I See Who
Çalisiyor bilginize??
incoming followers do it on rt and fav??
Uygulamayi yapanin ellerine saglik sorunsuz çalisiyoo ????
Good luck and congratulationsrr ??????
Stalkerlarimi Görünce çilgina döndüm
If there is one for Instagram, someone tell me right away ??
I never thought I would see people who viewed my profile on twitter :)
bunu ögrendigim çok iyi oldu ??
Health to the hands of the person who made the application, it works smoothly ????
Very nice application
Takipçiler türk bilginize??
takipçi yagiyooooooooooooooooooo ?? 3100 tane geldi
Takipçiler türk bilginize??
beni neden stalkliyorsunuz anlamis degilim ama ögrendigim iyi oldu ??
A total of 15 people have blocked me, 3 people have been stalking me for a long time.
I finally saw those who viewed my twitter profile
gelen takipçiler rt ve fav’da yapiyor??
Sevdigim çocugu stalkliyordum umarim beni görmez ??????
gelen takipçiler rt ve fav’da yapiyor??
how or how
ooo who’s who i’m in awe ??
Eski sevgilimi görmek biraz sey sanki ??
The data is real I guess because I guessed it turned out
mükemmel bir uygulama olmus cidden ??
what to say to ex girlfriend
Çok Güzel bir uygulama
umarim kesintisiz hergün çalisir
Organik kullanicilar olunca güzel oluyor böyle??
I didn’t think it would work but I was really shocked when it came in ??
People who leave after logging in to the site???
The data is real I guess because I guessed it turned out
ulan 2 yildir takip ediyosun yaz bari be vicdansizz ????
I Learned My Secret Admirers
People who leave after logging in to the site???
I didn’t believe it but I saw it
Arkadaslar bu siteye dün giris yaptim ama 2 3 saat degil benim takipçilerim 12 saat sonra geldi sanirim herkes farkli??
Arrived 10 minutes later my followers thank you
yürü be admin allahina kurban 1450 geldi banada ??
incoming followers 100% turkish followers mashallah
Who I See Who
ohaaaa ??????
Good luck and congratulationsrr ??????
Arkadaslar bu siteye dün giris yaptim ama 2 3 saat degil benim takipçilerim 12 saat sonra geldi sanirim herkes farkli??
If these are true, the ground will move ??
I never thought I would see people who viewed my profile on twitter :)
I didn’t think it would work but I was really shocked when it came in ??
I hope it works every day without interruption
Helal olsun tebriklerrr ??????
I entered according to the comments and came followers thank you ??
It’s working for your information??
gerçekten veriyor tesekkür ederim??
4 saat sonra 3000 takipçi geldi??
twitterda profilime bakanlari görecegimi hiç sanmiyordum :)
Çok Güzel bir uygulama
beni neden stalkliyorsunuz anlamis degilim ama ögrendigim iyi oldu ??
Mükemmel Bir Uygulama gerçekten
4 saat sonra 3000 takipçi geldi??
gelen takipçiler 0 türk takipçi masallah
rain of followersyooooooooooooooooooo ?? 3100 arrived
stalkers, let’s sit down and talk why me ??
ise yarayacagini düsünmüyodum ama girince gerçekten sok oldum ??
I want the instagram version as soon as possible ??
mükemmel bir uygulama olmus cidden ??
is this really real? ??
suan çildiriyorum gördükçe ????
Eski sevgilimi görmek biraz sey sanki ??
Admin kim bilmiyorum ama tebrikler 3 saat sonra geldi benim takipçim
Who I See Who
suan çildiriyorum gördükçe ????
Friends, I looked at the comments and entered 2 hours later, mine came ??
Oha 1 saat geçtikten sonra 1000 Takipçi geldi ??
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